GAUDI exhibition at the Musée d'Orsay until July 17, 2022

When we think of GAUDI, several adjectives immediately come to mind: genius, creator, architect, Catalan!

We discover the architect in the beautiful of Barcelona citie where seven of the artist's creations are inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List: the Parc GUELL, the Palais GUELL, and the Casa MILA, in 1984. Since 2005, Casa VICENS, the facade of the Nativity, the crypt of the Cathedral of the SAGRADA FAMILIA, the Casa BALTO and the crypt of Colonia GUELL have been added to this list.

These constructions are the expression of a style that is both eclectic and very personal to which Gaudi gave free rein, not only in architecture, but also in the art of gardens, sculpture, mosaics, furniture...

The GAUDI exhibition at the Musée d'Orsay immerses you in the universe of this genius, and shows the creativity of this artist who is expressed as much in the details of his furniture as in the immense and sumptuous Sagrada Familia.

In a museography that aims to be immersive, this exhibition will make you discover the work of this extraordinary artist in a different way through sets of furniture exhibited for the first time in France. But also drawings, models, films and photographs.

It is the creative process of the artist, his sophisticated work techniques, his capacity for invention and creation that you will take the measure of.
The Musée D'orsay is 2.9km from the Hôtel du Jeu de Paume, an opportunity for a walk along the Seine.

You can also take bus 87, Pont de la Tournelle Cardinal Lemoine stop, 5 min walk from the Hôtel du Jeu de Paume, destination Invalides, Stop Henry de Montherlant.

Musée d'Orsay 1, rue de la Legion d'Honneur, 75007 Paris - 01 40 49 48 14.


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